In his article, “A Far-Flung Workforce is the Post-Covid New Normal,” Clay Creps a lawyer with Tonton Torps LLC suggests that the definition of ‘workplace,’ amongst a myriad of other virus-driven changes has also evolved over the past year and goes on to share his insight on this one.  Thankfully, at the start of last year’s pandemic, in a very short time, many employers quickly and successfully transitioned their employees to remote work to keep their businesses alive and keep their employees safe.  Fast forward almost a year and now, “a growing number of workers not only want to continue working from home, but some want to work from a new home…such as in an adjoining state or even across the country,” Creps explains.  For employers and employees entertaining such an arrangement, there are several key items that need to be taken into consideration.  In addition to needing to ensure against any potential discrimination other employees not seeking a distant work location might claim as well as to ensure reasonable accommodations for their employees in remote settings, per the Americans with Disabilities Act, the idea of which jurisdiction to use, the location of the employer or the location of the employee, also raises additional considerations.  These additional considerations include workers’ compensation requirements, if the provision of workplace tools and equipment is required, competitive compensation rates, and even tax liability for both the employer and employee.  Creps urges employees to re-think workplace policies to not only stay competitive for their own needs but flexible for all.


Source: Creps, Clay.  “A Far-Flung Workforce is the Post-Covid New Normal.” Portland Business Journal, January 11, 2021. Accessed 15 February 2021.


